Entries by IT

Smile For Tomorrow, Live For Tomorrow

The need that was identified was depression, and specifically the need of students within our community who feel depressed and feel like there is no one to listen to their problems, and need help and advice regarding such concerns.

Read to Grow

“Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world” and that’s exactly why we do what we do.

Tech for all

C’19 and the transformational technological leap is what defines 2020. I am sure this era marks an integral part of every educationist and learner. Fumbling with zoom meetings and Google classrooms is all how it began a year ago. “Am I audible” and “Can you see my screen” are perhaps the widely spoken phrases around our world.

Hustling to make a change

The Community Services Club organised a house-wise bake sale. This was a huge success, thanks to everyone’s participation. The funds generated by this bake sale were used for a warm clothes drive. Warm jackets, gloves, socks and caps were donated to a madrassa and an orphanage.

Lets be mentally strong!

My project is to make people aware that having bad mental health is a very serious issue and that they should prioritise their health and themselves more than anything else in the world.

We are in this Together

Hello and thanks for taking the time to read about our project, WeTogether. We are a teen-led group with the main goal to achieve a community of people who are aware of the roots of climate change and act responsibly.

Safer World, Happier World!

With the number of cases increasing massively: COVID-19 has created a constant terror in our minds. Many of us, including me, are afraid to step outside. We want to make sure people are 100% safe while exiting their houses and live without fear.