Entries by IT

The journey to thrive to success

One of our goals (good health and well-being) is to help vulnerable women who experience period poverty. Further more we think that is a very sensitive topic that does not get any views and as a team we think that this view that the world sees needs to be changed. As a team we will raise money and donate the money to a charity/foundation that supports to help vulnerable women.

Lend a Hand

Our project ‘Lend a Hand’ was started with an aim to increase the quality of education for 128 students at the Udugama Primary School. Our initial reach was identifying many sentimental problems of the Udugama Primary community such as lack of motivation, no proper teaching and learning environment and high level of absentiseem.

Blue Green Revolution

Our project is named Blue Green Revolution as we want to make as many water bodies in our area crystal clear and our area rich in greenery. We noticed that many people tend to litter the beach which in turn harms many of the sea life.

(dys)LEXIA: Don’t worry, we understand you!

At least 1 in 10 people are dyslexic. These students, whose language learning difference causes a deficiency with phonological processing when learning to read, are often mistakenly labelled as having a learning disability. But opinions need to change, and support improved… as these great young minds can bring tremendous gifts to the world.

Circular… innovation

My project is about “Innovative Business and Circular Economy”. Throughout this project, I tried to indicate the great importance of innovation, sustainable development and circular economy for business in our era.

Book to Remember

The main concern of our team is to improve the quality of education in underprivileged schools in Sri Lanka. For this year’s project we have selected Iriyaminna junior school in Kurunegala district.