1000 book mission

We created "one thousand book mission" project to spread knowledge and education worldwide. Education is a right for many children in the world that they can't reach it easily due to poverty and wars that has destroyed their country and its ID. Our goal is to collect 1000 books from volunteers and donate it to charities and needed schools however, we faced many difficulties to collect the needed amount of books to accomplish our project therefore, we shared our project over social media and websites to gain some support. we also created a booth in our school to encourage students to donate books. So far We are half way through achieving our goal.

Automatic Watering System

our project aims to reduce the intake of water by adopting an automatic watering system functioned by the raspberry pi. With this functional system, we opt to water plants relying on specific factors such as humidity, time intervals, etc. .

Green Warriors of GIIS EC Campus Singapore

Singapore a very small island nation, located one degree north of the equator, a place of efficient infrastructure, many sky scrapers and blessed with tropical weather. Singapore does not have any large farms, plantations or orchards, Thanks to the government which is trying its very best to develop, maintain and grow its green cover. GIIS EC Campus is a tropical haven, spread over 8.8 acres with more than 200 trees.

Namaste from Global Social Leaders in India

In December 2018 we were invited back to JBCN International School in Mumbai to work with an incredible group of young students from JBCN International School. Here, Future Foundations' coach James Canvin tells us more about the experience and impact on the participants.

Record Numbers of Young People Are Participating in the Global Social Leaders Movement

We are excited to share that of the 422 schools from over 80 countries that have registered for the GSL Global Goals Competition a record 580 teams have submitted a project plan for feedback before our 1st December phase 1 deadline passed.

Act Like A Human

A report written by Duru, a student at TED Atakent School in Turkey who is part of a team delivering a Global Goals project for the 2018-19 Global Goals Competition.

Kids for a Better Future

A report written by Arsh, a Year 7 student at UUM International School in Malaysia who is part of a team delivering a Global Goals project for the 2018-19 Global Goals Competition.

GSL World Summit 2018

‘GSL was hands down the best experience of my life. Ever since then I have gained confidence and become more aware of the problems in this world and what I can do to change them. I have been doing my project to help the homeless and I want to be more involved in GSL and definitely want to return next time.’ Those inspiring words come from Deryn, one of 46 participants who took part in this year’s GSL World Summit at Wellington College in August. Find out what makes the GSL programme so special!

GSL Global Goals Competition Now Open to Primary School Students

Registration for the 2018-19 Global Social Leaders (GSL) Global Goals Competition is now open. This ground-breaking, free programme develops students leadership skills and understanding of Global Citizenship through active engagement with the Global Goals.

Registration Opens for GSL Global Goals Student Competition 2018-2019

Registration for the 2018-19 Global Social Leaders (GSL) Global Goals Competition is now open. This ground-breaking, free programme develops students leadership skills and understanding of Global Citizenship through active engagement with the Global Goals.