GSL launches the Future Fund

Global Social Leaders announces the launch of the Future Fund to ensure GSL membership is accessible and inclusive to all schools

GSL announces Daniel Shakhani as our new business advisory board chair

Global Social Leaders announces Daniel Shakani as the new Chair of our Business Advisory Board

GSL is scaling up our membership for schools to catalyse change in education | Press Release

PRESS RELEASE: Global Social Leaders is scaling up membership for schools to catalyse change in education | 23 March 2023 | For Immediate Release

HM Queen Elizabeth II | 1926-2022

At Future Foundations, we are deeply saddened to hear of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.


To celebrate Global Goals Week and the launch of the evolved GSL Global Goals Competition as part of the GSL Membership, we are hosting a series of live webinars from the 16th - 23rd September focused on the Goals and featuring students and teachers from the GSL movement. Join us to be inspired by youth projects taking action to help address the SDGs across the world!

GSL launches membership for schools to catalyse change in education | Press Release

PRESS RELEASE: Global Social Leaders launches membership for schools to catalyse change in education | 17th June 2022 | For Immediate Release

The Red Padding Project | GSL Spotlight

The Red Padding Project (TRPP) is an entirely student run initiative based in Delhi, India. After connecting with GSL via Instagram to tell us all about their work , we are delighted to be able to share their story with you today.


OnePlanet.Student is a product of OnePlanet which is a technology company that helps organisations build their sustainable plans in a visually engaging way through the use of mindmaps. 

COP26 blog – There’s no time for delay

My days in Glasgow for the 26th UN climate conference, also better known as COP26, were a complete whirlwind. Talks, panels, workshops, protests, actions… you name it, and it was there.


Global Social Leaders had the pleasure of meeting with Jack, Grace and Abi from the UK Schools Sustainability Network (UKSSN) at COP26 in Glasgow. We discussed their role in the UKSSN, what brought them to the conference, their hope for the future, for COP26... and much more!