GSL Festival @ Home | Student-led competition


GSL Festival @ Home | Day 1 | Press Release

PRESS RELEASE: For the GSL Festival @ Home | DAY 1 OVERVIEW - 18th June 2020

GSL Global Goals | Finalists | Press Release

PRESS RELEASE: For the GSL Global Goals Competition | Announcement of the finalists

GSL Festival @ Home | Press Release

PRESS RELEASE: For the GSL Festival @ Home on 18th and 19th June 2020 | Making the local global

GSL Podcast Launch

Last Friday 3rd of April, we launched the first ever GSL podcast! We have been quietly working on this project for a while now. Hundreds of amazing initiatives are currently being led by GSL changemakers around the world. This podcast has been designed to give you the ability to access them, and be inspired by them, on a regular basis.

GSL World Summit 2020 Postponed

Due to the current uncertainty around Covid-19, we have decided to postpone this year’s programme which will now take place in August 2021 at Wellington College, UK.

Captain Amy’s Back on the Good Ship

After 10 months of raising a tiny human I am now back on the good ship at Future Foundations. Upon my return I was presented with a Captain’s Hat and a new role as Head of Global Social Leaders. I cannot tell you how excited I am as we sail over new horizons into new, unchartered waters!

Launch of the Global Social Leaders Fellowship

We are excited to announce the launch of the Global Social Leaders Fellowship, which we designed for active citizens who want to be part of a global community that share the same vision; a vision that is to have a world led by a movement of socially conscious leaders.

“Sometimes it’s hard to describe the things that change you”

One of my young Global Social Leaders said, as his final reflections of the GSL programme, ‘Sometimes it’s hard to describe the things that change you’. He was right.

Global Social Leaders Launchpad at Kingsley School

On Tuesday the 26th of November Global Social Leaders and Future Foundations delivered a GSL Launchpad at Kingsley School, in Bideford, Devon, of which 43 pupils from years 7, 8 and 9 attended.