Tag Archive for: global goals

Waste Warriors V.S The Coronavirus

Coronavirus has been wiping out thousands of people across the globe and has forced many people including the Waste Warriors to shut their doors and stay home quarantined.

Share&Care – End homelessness in Oxford!

We are a group of students in Oxford and were all deeply shocked when we grasped the magnitude of homelessness in the city.

Plant to Plate

We are the Green Girls from Mumbai, India. We want to encourage life on land through Urban Gardening in order to achieve good health and well-being, along with responsible consumption and production.

A Successful Challenge!

Hello again, Global Social Leaders! We are proud to announce that our Clean Plate Challenge was a huge success with countless people participating across the world!

Universal Adversity As We Know It

Everyday, we cross paths with strangers we do not know. They may look like us, behave like us, but they may not be as privileged. They may not have the awareness, the education, the resources that we have.

Helping Underprivileged Children Achieve their dreams

The goal we have chosen is quality education. We have Identified that many children are living in poverty can not get proper education, which makes them less likely to go to college, and get a good job.

The change starts with us

SamaGreenDream began as a social media influence project, that focused on changing the ecological perspective of young people the city of Santa Marta, Colombia...

GSL World Summit 2020 Postponed

Due to the current uncertainty around Covid-19, we have decided to postpone this year’s programme which will now take place in August 2021 at Wellington College, UK.

CACtus plants fertile.ly

In our local community, we identified that food has been wasted every single day. While many people are starving, people who are not do not care about the food they waste each day.

The secret of living is giving

We are Hunger Warriors, grade 8 students, have come together to work towards minimizing one of the most relevant issues – World Hunger.