Tag Archive for: global goals

Awareness Raisers: Change has never been this easy! Join us and be part of it!

‘‘I always wondered why somebody didn't do something about that, then I realized I was somebody.’’ That is the quote that we had in mind when we started our project.

Safer World, Happier World!

With the number of cases increasing massively: COVID-19 has created a constant terror in our minds. Many of us, including me, are afraid to step outside. We want to make sure people are 100% safe while exiting their houses and live without fear.

Pixelating and Publishing Period Poverty

The aim of my project is to fight the global issue of period poverty, and the general myths, stigmas and secrecy surrounding menstruation.

Dream to Save the Green – Custodians for Earth

This campaign is organized to save our mother earth from global warming. It is our prime duty and responsibility to save this planet for our future generation and teach them how to continue living sustainably. Green is the foremost important colour a living being must love. It reflects how prosperous a particular country is. Trees play a major role in our lives. They purify the air we breathe, provide us food shelter and many more that words cannot explain.

Fume Busters

While many people are fighting this COVID-19 pandemic that seems to be the only issue world representatives focused on, we decided to advocate for change in our community on gender related issues.

Violet Vision: Our Vision for the Future

While many people are fighting this COVID-19 pandemic that seems to be the only issue world representatives focused on, we decided to advocate for change in our community on gender related issues.

How G-roots can inspire your inner self

To overcome this issue and create a balance between economic growth and the sustainability of the environment, a group of 4 students came up with the idea to promote vertical gardens through the project G-Roots.

Saving Our Oceans (PCIS’ The Reefs)

Our team’s primary goal is to restore and preserve our area’s beaches and to raise awareness about the problems in the area such as the death of corals, erosion, plastic and aquatic pollution and human or animal threats towards our native species.

Gardens For Change

Our Project is called Gardens for Change and we have chosen to base our project on wellbeing and good health and the environment.