Tag Archive for: Leadership

A “Shift To Thrift” is needed

One of the arising issues that harm our environment right now is Fast Fashion. It is ‘fast’ in a number of senses: the changes in fashion are fast, the rate of production is fast; the customer’s decision to purchase is fast; delivery is fast, and garments are worn fast – usually only a few times before being discarded.

Our GSL Journey and Experience!

Entering the GSL Global Goals Competition, our group, Shades of Green aims to improve the life on land through creating a sustainable environment. Our movement consists of multiple stages that will help us achieve our goals, as a group, we started by innovating a device that uses an irrigation system which will automatically water plants once the sensors detect that the soil is dry and that it needs moisture.

The Sanitary Sisters: Break the Silence

What our project does for our community, more specifically to the girls in our school, is help them have access to menstrual products in a consistent and private way. This will be executed by installing a dispenser from the company we have partnered with, Aunt Flow.

Hestia’s Hearth: Home is Where the Hearth Is

Situated in one of the most impoverished areas in Asia, the Philippines has most of its population living below the poverty line. Especially vulnerable are the children whom are often either abandoned or neglected and left with no means of protection or care.

Light for Honduras

This project has been in our hands for more than two years; we started by carrying out campaigns to collect children's clothes, books, school materials, toys... and sending them in a container by sea to Honduras together with other associations in our town.

Mexico’s Forgotten Children

Mexico is a country extremely rich in nature and culture. Still, behind the alluring landscapes and tourism destinations, Mexico is also a country of contrasts, with a brutal justice system still lacking the efficacy and independence demanded under international standards.


Firstly, the need we have identified in our local community is the help for children with cancer, to make them be entertained and try to distract them from their routine at the hospital. Moreover, this idea came to our mind because one of our classmates in our school was suffering from this illness and we wanted to make him feel better and delighted in his days at the hospital.

EcoToys Mindset

Hello, we are EcoToys, and we are from Westside Middle School Academy. We created this project to inform our community about textile waste and textile recycling. We are also supporting our local animal shelters.

Simply Cleaners and Our Board Game Castle Cleanup

We are The Simply Cleaners - a group of schoolmates who joined this year’s competition in order to raise awareness of the importance of our environment, primarily the pollution created by people and the impacts of recycling.

Climate Clock is Ticking

Hello, we are the Climate Warriors. We are a group of six individuals who are passionate about different aspects, some of us want to focus on the segregation of waste and some want to focus on tree plantation and some on reducing single-use plastic, we may follow different routes but have the same goal, to stop global warming.