Tag Archive for: SDG10

Go Girl!

St Andrew's International High School | Go Girl! - 2019 SEMI FINALIST - Resilience

The Gap Class

Alpha Beta Christian College | The Gap Class - 2019 SEMI FINALIST - Learning

BPS Eco-Leaders

Bitterne Park School | BPS Eco-Leaders - 2019 SEMI FINALIST - UK Regional Standout


Olashore International School | #OVHTBH - 2019 SEMI FINALIST - Learning

Discriminate Discrimination

QSI International School of Brindisi | Discriminate Discrimination - 2019 SEMI FINALIST - Courage

Paper Pens Pencils + Sisters and Allies

St Cuthbert's College | Paper Pens Pencils + Sisters and Allies - 2019 SEMI FINALIST - Impact

Ni Hao English

Chinese International School | Ni Hao English - 2019 SEMI FINALIST - Enteprise

Play to Grow

Chinese International School | Play to Grow - 2019 SEMI FINALIST - learning

Transylvania College – Service-Learning Team

Transylvania College | Transylvania College - Service-Learning Tea - 2019 SEMI FINALIST