Tag Archive for: SDG10

iishraq, together we rise

IISHRAQ means sunrise and we believe that just like the dawn education brings light and colour in one's life, hence we named our initiative after it . The change we want to bring is to give underprivileged children worldwide the opportunity to hone their skills and acquire new abilities through our development program.


Humanitieshearts is a global youth non-profit. The project we embarked on for the GSL is one we call the HH Syllabus. A text-based project aimed at helping orphanages in rural Africa during the pandemic. The project allows for volunteers to sign up to create worksheets and content tailored to fit rural orphanages' needs.

Project Moksha

Project Moksha - Pathways World School, India

Light Up a Life

Light Up a Life - Arundel School, Zimbabwe

One Small Candle

One Small Candle - Scout Foundation, United Kingdom

Share and Care Oxford

Share and Care Oxford - St Clare's Oxford, United Kingdom

Bright Minds of Tomorrow

Bright Minds of Tomorrow - Transylvania College, Romania


DySlexia - Kultur2000 College, Turkey


MedRangers - Mahindra United World College of India, India

Words For Welcome

Words For Welcome - The Cheltenham Ladies' College, United Kingdom