Tag Archive for: SDG2

The Wonder of Agaricus bisporus

The Wonder of Agaricus bisporus - UUM International School, Malaysia


Footprints - The Cheltenham Ladies' College, United Kingdom

Refreshed and Recycled

Refreshed and Recycled - Uptown School, United Arab Emirates


M5SISGCP - Sotogrande International School, Spain


Changemakers - Mahindra United World College of India, India

Peace Jam

Peace Jam - American Farm School of Thessaloniki, Greece

Share Care Love

Share Care Love - Concordian International School, Thailand

Hunger Warriors

Hunger Warriors - Global Indian International School, SMART Campus, Singapore

Little Paws

Eyüboglu High School | Little Paws - 2019 SEMI FINALIST - Social Media Champions

Helping Refugees in Jordan

Al Faris International School | Helping Refugees in Jordan - 2019 SEMI FINALIST