Tag Archive for: volunteering


We have learned a lot about all the damages we are doing to our planet. Things that we thought were insignificant.

Finally in Contact

Our group is called VGG, which stands for Visits for the Greater Good. The main objective of our project is to teach those children with fewer resources about English, math, reading and more.

Columbus School Plastic Planting

Our Plastic Planting Project aims to create a better world with an ecological adept mindset. Plastic for the last 113 years has been a convenience but now we are faced with the consequences of that convenience.


Our team had climate change in mind when we entered the competition. And we knew that we had execute a project which would fight this issue.

Solar Power for a Better Education

We want to help the students get a better education by providing them with light that uses sustainable energy, such as solar lanterns.


Our group aims to tackle the issue of Land Pollution by not only spreading awareness but by also taking concrete actions.The Demeter plans to focus on the key areas of waste management, smart agriculture and celebrating life on land.

Fitness Lads

The aim of this project is to inspire the population of Kuwait to become fitter and healthier. Kuwait’s population has a high prevalence of diabetes.

A step towards a life

Injured, hungry and infected dogs, which overcrowd the streets of our city are in dire need of our help.

EFC, One More Step for the Future of Education

We have identified a need for education in our country (Colombia), one that increments the job opportunities as well as changing the job market and lower dis-employment. We decided to specialize in the language development of young minds and teach them English.


Our project is targeting the clean energy department, we want to make a prototype that creates clean and renewable energy.