Townley Grammar School are delighted to invite schools (teachers and students), youth organisations and wider stakeholders to join us for our inaugural GSL Inspire Programme, designed to inspire the leaders of tomorrow through inspiring talks.

    We are proud to welcome our special keynote speakers, Nicky Morgan MPSir Anthony Seldon and Andy Dunn, Author of Feeling Lost and Finding your Way. We will also have presentations from Townley Grammar School, Future Foundations and student leaders who are the future, and we do believe give us reason to be optimistic about creating a brighter future.

    Our theme for this event is Optimism, defined as Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something‘, which we believe is important for success in education and life.

    Please arrive and register between 09:15 and 09:45, so you are in your seats ready for a prompt 10:00 start.

    The event is free to attend and is designed to inspire students, schools and all those interested in the role ‘optimism’ has to play in education and creating a bright future.

    There is no parking onsite. Click here to open google maps, to plan your travel to this event.

    We have limited seats so if you register, please let us know if you are no longer able to attend.

    • For schools, we encouage you to bring up to 5 students, to maximise the number of schools we are able to include in this very special event. If you would like to bring more, please message to make a special request.
    • All students must be escorted and have consent to attend.

    If you (or your students) have any additional needs, please let us know during registration.

    Please note, we will be filming the event, and this film will be published on YouTube afterwards. By registering to attend, you agree to being included in this film.





    Nicky served as Secretary of State for Education and Minister for Women and Equalities (2014 – 16); Financial Secretary to the Treasury (2014); Minister for Women (2014); Economic Secretary to the Treasury (2013 – 14); an Assistant Government Whip (2012 – 13); and the Parliamentary Private Secretary (PPS) to the Rt Hon. David Willetts MP, Cabinet Minister for Universities and Science (2010 – 12).

    Nicky was re-elected as the Member of Parliament for Loughborough in the 2015 and 2017 General Elections and, in July 2017, she was elected by MPs on all sides of the House of Commons as Chair of the Treasury Select Committee. She is the author of ‘Taught not Caught: Educating for Character in the 21st Century.’


    Sir Anthony Seldon is a political historian and commentator on British political leadership as well as on education and contemporary Britain. He is also Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buckingham.

    Sir Anthony was previously the 13th Master (headmaster) of Wellington College, one of the country’s most famous and historic independent schools. He was co-founder and first Director of the Institute of Contemporary British History. He is also author or editor of some 40+ books. Sir Anthony has pioneered character, wellbeing and happiness in schools.


    Desmond is Headteacher of a school regularly in the top 100 schools nationally and in the top 10 London schools. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a Music Champion for the Mayor of London and board member of the National Youth Theatre Education Advisory Board, he has been a regular contributor to national educational debate.

    He has hosted international delegations from Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Silicon Valley, Korea and Russia researching the teaching of computing in schools and Townley Grammar School co-authored the new computing curriculum.  This year he will feature in a 3 part BBC 2 Documentary on British Schools called “Grammar Schools – Who Will Get In?”. He is most proud of the work done to develop the opportunities and achievements of young women.



    Nicky served as Secretary of State for Education and Minister for Women and Equalities (2014 – 16); Financial Secretary to the Treasury (2014); Minister for Women (2014); Economic Secretary to the Treasury (2013 – 14); an Assistant Government Whip (2012 – 13); and the Parliamentary Private Secretary (PPS) to the Rt Hon. David Willetts MP, Cabinet Minister for Universities and Science (2010 – 12).

    Nicky was re-elected as the Member of Parliament for Loughborough in the 2015 and 2017 General Elections and, in July 2017, she was elected by MPs on all sides of the House of Commons as Chair of the Treasury Select Committee. She is the author of ‘Taught not Caught: Educating for Character in the 21st Century.’


    Sir Anthony Seldon is a political historian and commentator on British political leadership as well as on education and contemporary Britain. He is also Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buckingham.

    Sir Anthony was previously the 13th Master (headmaster) of Wellington College, one of the country’s most famous and historic independent schools. He was co-founder and first Director of the Institute of Contemporary British History. He is also author or editor of some 40+ books. Sir Anthony has pioneered character, wellbeing and happiness in schools.


    Desmond is Headteacher of a school regularly in the top 100 schools nationally and in the top 10 London schools. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a Music Champion for the Mayor of London and board member of the National Youth Theatre Education Advisory Board, he has been a regular contributor to national educational debate.

    He has hosted international delegations from Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Silicon Valley, Korea and Russia researching the teaching of computing in schools and Townley Grammar School co-authored the new computing curriculum.  This year he will feature in a 3 part BBC 2 Documentary on British Schools called “Grammar Schools – Who Will Get In?”. He is most proud of the work done to develop the opportunities and achievements of young women.


    09:15Doors open, registration and refreshment
    10:00Introduction: Townley Grammar School Welcome & introduction to the GSL movement (Jon Harper FRSA)
    SESSION 1 | Special keynote Nicky Morgan MP – “Optimism”
    SESSION 2 | Desmond Deehan – Executive Headteacher Odyssey Trust for Education
    SESSION 3 | Global Social Leaders from Townley Grammar School
    11:15Welcome back briefing for Sessions 4 to 6
    SESSION 4 | Special keynote Sir Anthony Seldon
    SESSION 5 | Andy Dunn, Head of Innovation, Future Foundations and Course Director for Global Social Leaders – the role of Community
    SESSION 6 | Fabian de Fabiani, Director of Character Education and Well Being – the role of Character education
    12:20Close, led by Townley Grammar School students
    12:30Networking and refreshments with students and guests


    Global Social Leaders is a chance for young people to change the world for the better through social action and personal development. The Global Social Leaders programmes are transformational leadership experiences delivered by Future Foundations and the Wellington Leadership Institute that bring together young people from across the world who are driven to make social change on a global scale.

    Our vision is a society where all organisations are led by socially conscious people, with every young person making the transition into adulthood with the foundations they need for their future.

    Students who take part in GSL will:

    • Develop leadership skills

    • develop confidence

    • make deeper connections with peers

    • discover unique opportunities to give something back to society

    At GSL we get to meet lifelong friends. Everyone is like minded so it is a very safe environment to be open and truly be yourself.

    I learnt to be authentic. Be true to yourself and your values and that young individuals can make a difference.

    I feel equipped with the tools I need to deliver a social action project.